Talk to a plant and listen to its
quiet wisdom. A plant will keep your
secrets and never interrupt. A plant
will never turn its back on you and
will continue to give you the best
it has to give no matter what you say.
Take a walk with your dog
and maybe let him walk you.
You never know where might
take you, what new place you
can discover. Life is one
big adventure we can all
enjoy! and, it can start
with your dog...
Start saving up for something
you really want. Put a picture
of that shiny bicycle, knockout
dress or dream vacation. Whether
you need a piggy bank back or
need to make a major investment,
it's good for you to set goals and
work hard to attain them.
Prayer is a little thing we can
all do but something that has
life-changing results. It makes
us more loving and sensitive to
others needs. At the same time,
God listens, and we see things
Decide to have one day
in a year when you and
your friends could do
this. This sacrifice is
something you know can
save someone's life. Be
an instant Hero.
Read Poetry and let it
feed your soul. The great
poets tried to describe to
the full the very essence
of life. Relive their vibrant
thoughts and relish what
they speak of.
Everyone loves getting letters. When we
send one, the message it corries goes
beyond what is written on it but also
says "You're special because I thought
about you & took the time to sit down
& write to you my thoughts."
Look for a "good news" story
to tell. It may be something
good someone has done that
has gone unnoticed. This is
much better than gossip in
increasing morale.
Spend quality time with someone
special to you, eat ice cream together,
sing songs, play cards, talk deep. Get
to know what is happening with him.
Listen well not only to his words
but to what is unsaid.
Amaze a child, amuse a friend.
It's a way to pass the time in a
very special way. Learn a new
magic trick or tell a clean joke.
Sing a song well or recount a
story with gusto. Whatever way
can bring Magic.
Write a note of appreciation,
gratitude or support for someone
who deserves it, even people
in high places needs to know
they're doing a good job. Write
them e-mail then - you'll be
encouraging them to keep
on keeping on.
Say I love you in whatever way you can
We all need to hear it and we all need to
say it at one point in our lives or in our
everyday. This may be a difficult thing
to do for some but God always gives us
the perfect way for us to make it known
so long as we look for it hard enough.